Welcome to
Cycle City Active City Sheffield
Cities in Transition
Cycle City Active City is the UK's most popular networking event for active travel professionals. Back in person for the first time in two years, this gathering will respond to new opportunities created by wide-reaching changes in transport, social, climactic and economic trends
Cycle City Active City 2022 brings together Government, local authorities and the professional sector as they respond urgently to scale up decarbonisation, levelling up and inclusivity strategies.
Cycling and walking can deliver against all three areas, and as such are in the spotlight like never before.
The groundwork is in place: 2022 will establish Active Travel England to take forward the commitments laid out in Gear Change, the Transport Decarbonisation Plan and the forthcoming CWIS2.

After almost two years of digital meetings, workshops and conferences I am looking forward to the opportunity of meeting friends both old and new at this year’s Cycle City Active City conference in Sheffield to talk about building on the exciting initiatives for Active Travel that have been a silver lining during the pandemic"
Rupert Furness
Deputy Director, Active Travel, Department for Transport

The Department for Transport's Annual Active Travel Summit
Cycle City Active City 2022 is supported by the Department for Transport as its annual active travel summit.
The conference plenaries, breakout and workshop sessions will run alongside Department for Transport-led sessions on delivering LCWIPs, CWIS2 and the role of Active Travel England.

Why Sheffield?
The local authorities have overseen transformational active travel schemes in the past decades, from the inspirational Connecting Sheffield programme, the establishment of Active Neighbourhoods across South Yorkshire, and the Active Travel Implementation Plan, which sets out how, by 2040, a fully connected network of walking and cycling routes will link the region for safe and active travel.